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stargazers什么意思 nightwish 贴吧

时间:2024-06-02 21:22:50来源:肆参拓扑网




Nightwish Stargazers 中文歌词翻译


Stargazers - Nightwish

A grand oasis in the vastness of gloom 盛大绿洲之邸 隐匿于无尽幽冥之中

Child of dew-spangled cobweb Mother to the moon 月亮之子 于蛛网凝结的露水璀灿生处Constellations beholders of the 3rd vagrant 观望星辰 开始第三次漂泊

Theater for the play of life 上演生命的轮回

Tragedienne of heavens 天堂里的悲剧女伶

Watching the eyes of the night 凝视黑夜的双眼

Sailing the virgin oceans 向陌生荒蛮的海洋远征

A planet ride for the Mother and Child 一颗行星为这对母子而升起

Floating upon the quiet hydrogen lakes 漂浮在如此寂静的湖面之上

In this ambrosial merry-go-round they will gaze 神的佳肴如此芬美芳香 令人愉悦

Ephemeral life touched by a billion-year show 亿万年的久远时光 震撼了这卑微短暂的生命Separating the poet from the woe 悲哀使诗人远走他乡

Tragedienne of heavens 天堂里的悲剧女伶

Watching the eyes of the night 凝视黑夜的双眼

Sailing the virgin oceans 向陌生荒蛮的海洋远征

A planet ride for the Mother and Child 一颗行星为这对母子而升起

Oracle of the Delphian Domine 来自神喻的天启

Witness of Adam's frailty 亚当脆弱的见证

Seer of the master prophecy 掌握预言的卜者

The stellar world her betrothed 星光的世界是她的伴侣

Wanderers in cosmic caravan 宇宙中不停流浪的旅者

Universal bond - The Starborn 宇宙的纽带 星之子

A son in the search for the truth 搜寻真相的儿子

Following the pages of Almagest 在占星术中跋涉

Discovering the origin of dreams 发现了最原初的梦想

Stargazers ride through the ancient realms 观星者越过上古的王国

( music )

Tragedienne of heavens 天堂里的悲剧女伶

Watching the eyes of the night 凝视黑夜的双眼

Sailing the virgin oceans 向陌生荒蛮的海洋远征

A planet ride for the Mother and Child 一颗行星为这对母子而升起

占星师 或 观星者

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