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时间:2024-06-19 02:16:18来源:肆参拓扑网






  英 [kjupai] 美 [ɑkjpa]


  现在分词: occupying

  过去式: occupied

  过去分词: occupied


  1. u.s. forces now occupy a part of the country.


  2. this challenge will occupy europe for a generation or more.


  3. i had other matters to occupy me, during the day at least.


  4. we occupy a quality position in the market place.


  5. frances invited them to occupy the upstairs of her home.


  6. i would deserve to be pitied if i couldnt occupy myself.


  7. i desperately needed something to occupy me during those long, lonely nights.


  8. land is, in most instances, purchased by those who occupy it.


  9. even quite small aircraft occupy a lot of space.


  10. men still occupy more positions of power than women.


  11. you cant occupy yourself with dismal thoughts all the time.


  12. the bed seemed to occupy most of the room.


  13. they thought they should occupy their leisure more profitably.


  14. the repairs needed before we can occupy the house will be considerable.


  15. it will not occupy much space.


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