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administration department是什么意思

时间:2024-06-16 17:47:41来源:肆参拓扑网

administration department 行政部; 例句: 1. g****nments at all levels of health administration department and the ****sight body for food safety can not share legal obligations. 各级政府行政部门及其所属的卫生监督机构,对食品安全有不可分得法定义务。 2. patent by the patent administration department under the state law, according to legal procedures to give the patentee an exclusive right. 专利权是由***专利行政部门依照法律规定,根据法定程序赋予专利权人的一种专有权利。

department of business administration 工商管理系 例:i am studying in department of business administration.我在工商管理系学习。we are students of the hong kong vtc school business and information systems (department of business administration).我们是香港职业训练局工商资讯学院(工商管理系)的学生,现正进行一项有关香港会议展览中心的研究。

翻译: 行政部


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