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时间:2024-06-17 14:33:18来源:肆参拓扑网

rescue ['reskju:] n. 援救,解救,营救vt. 援救,救出,营救n. 援救,解救,营救vt. 援救,救出,营救 时 态:rescued,rescuing,rescues 名 词:res'cuer 形容词:res'cuable 点击查看…… 同反义词 同:[n.] deliverance, delivery, saving [v.] deliver点击查看…… 参考例句 the rescue effort was reinforced by 12 experienced miners. 12名富有经验的矿工加强了营救工作的力量。the rescue operation lasted three days. 救援活动持续了三天。they braved the storm to rescue their sheep. 他们冒着暴风雨抢救羊群。rescue workers rushed to the site of the plane crash. 救护人员急速赶到飞机坠毁的现场couldn't rescue the poor fellow. 无法搭救那个可怜的小伙子

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